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Work, Life, and COVID: The Balancing Act of Women in Science

Joy Postell
Event Location:
Event Speaker(s):
Audrey Thurm Ph.D.; Director, Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Phenotyping Service; Office of the Clinical Director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Gisela Storz, Ph.D.; NIH Distinguished Investigator; Section on Environmental Gene Regulation; NICHD/DIR
Paule Joseph, Ph.D., MS, FNP-BC, CTN-B; Lasker Clinical Research Scholar, Tenure-Track Investigator (Clinical); Chief, Sensory Science and Metabolism Unit, Biobehavioral Branch; National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
Courtney Fitzhugh, MD; Investigator, Lasker Clinical Research Scholar; Laboratory of Early Sickle Mortality Prevention; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLJoy E. Postell, Women's Portfolio Strategist, Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion
Event Host(s):
Joy E. Postell, Women's Portfolio Strategist, Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion
Erika L. Barr, Ph.D.; Director: NIH Community College Programs
SOAR; Office of Intramural Training

Meet four NIH Scientists. Learn their roles at the NIH, ways they balance their work-life, how they maintain self-care/wellness, and how COVID has affected this balance.

This panel discussion will focus on the challenges and joys of being a woman in science, and the importance of maintaining work-life balance and self-care, addressing the effects of being a parent or caretaker and scientist during COVID.